Commission _

What the heck is a "commission" ?

The term “commission” is traditionally used to describe an art transaction that is compensated. 

Example: you hire a person to draw, photograph, or create custom pottery for you. You pay for the creative service in full, the artist does the work, gives you the finished product, and you are happy!

Why don't you be normal and say "hire me" like everybody else?

If I did what everybody else was doing, you would see a very bland, white, boring website with bullet points and links and not much else.

I pride myself on being incredibly unique, colorful, original in my approach to life, writing, and everything else. Besides, what is the benefit of being normal and following the herd of like-minded mentalities? Is there one standard definition of normal?

Let me offer you an example you might understand… If Hollywood was “normal,” we would NEVER see exciting cinematic art such as Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands or Andrew Stanton’s Toy Story or Monsters, Inc.

I encourage you to keep an open mind, learn a little from me, and understand that writing is an art and a creative service that merits compensation, just like any other art form. 

How do you purchase a Commission? What is Involved?

  1. Try to have a good idea of what you want before speaking with me and be prepared to discuss specifics.
  2. It’s super helpful to know details such as: subject matter of writing, approximate word count or length (ex. number of pages), purpose of the writing (individual and personal needs versus business blog, profiles, etc.), and deadlines.
  3. Once the terms of the commission are discussed and agreed upon, you must pay for the writing in full before I start to write.
  4. After I finish your writing, I will give it to you in hardcopy or digitally.
  5. You become a happy, satisfied customer who will provide a testimonial, a good review, and share your positive experience on your social media platforms.
  6. Hooray !!

When in doubt, please contact me to discuss your writing needs. Maybe you need some creative inspiration?


Hard-working Professional.
Writing Services that Will Amaze You


Published in print & digital media


Writing for freelance clients since 1999